Tips & Tricks EZ

Guides to Tips that I found useful throughout my life for various things I do on my pc saved in md format.

Tools list

  • YT-dlp:
    yt-dlp: yt-dlp is an open-source command-line tool used for downloading videos from platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and other similar websites. It is a fork of the now-discontinued project, youtube-dlc, and includes additional features and improvements. Although it lacks a graphical user interface, it is a powerful and versatile downloader for those who are comfortable with command-line tools
  • Tmux:
    tmux, or terminal multiplexer, is a command-line tool that allows users to manage and switch between multiple terminal sessions efficiently. It provides features like splitting terminal windows, navigating between panes, and sharing sessions with other users. tmux is particularly useful for remote work, as it enables users to reattach to running sessions if their SSH connection drops, ensuring that their work continues without interruption.
  • Toby:
    Toby extension: Toby is a browser extension that helps users save, manage, and organize their browser tabs efficiently. It allows users to create collections for organizing tabs and provides a clean interface for easy navigation. Toby also enables users to share collections with team members, facilitating collaboration and resource sharing.
  • ublock:
    uBlock Origin is a free, open-source, and efficient content blocker that removes ads, tracking, and malware domains from users’ browsing experience, improving web page load times and enhancing privacy.
  • SponsorBlock:
    SponsorBlock is an open-source, crowdsourced browser extension that automatically skips sponsored segments in YouTube videos using a public database of user-submitted timestamps.